lance armstrong got finisher medal only?

I've met with my 2 girlfrens just know, while having my usual gruppies study session (chewah), okay we salam-ed, we chit chat for a while.then bye, okay bye.
I mean, u shud have hug ur frens kan? Okay u shud how do I say this, but when u met ur good frens after not seeing them for quite some time, u shud have hug them ke, have a looooong chat ke, gi minum sesama ke, betui dak?
Or am wrong.
Well, after waving goodbye to each other, I just realized that I miss them so very muchhh infact I still remember us having a good laugh together, us makan makan together, beraya beraya together.Where did all of that gone?
Am I missing something?
Couple of weeks ago a fren of mine told me that am not being frenly nomore.
Really? Betui ka?
All of a sudden I remember my frens that I've been neglected them before.
Because I've worked part time, I didnt get to hang out with them that much.
And am not being that frenly anymore.
This is bad man.seriously.
Or maybe things have been different now? Maybe they are different. MAybe they've changed kot. We're getting older, so we have different kind of frens.But that is so not true.
Because things have not been different, we havent even graduated yet, so we shud have the same kind of frens.
Am I being paranoid?
Or shud I just blame all this to my lack of self esteem? Low level of confidence? Shud I?
You're not pretty when u cant share the thing that u did with ur nails using ur duit MARA. Not pretty at all.
yela kene hug hug lepas tu muah muah 3 kali.paling busuk pon kali.hehe
sweetheart, no need to worry. its normal dong ah. as days go by, ppl change. sumtimes not bcoz they want to.. it just happens. my advice is, point no fingers to anyone. or urself. just live ur life.. as u want it to be lived and try not to break anyone's heart. which is so impossible i know.
be nice. dats the least we can do kan? :) gulluck babe!
chics: apa busuk busuk neh? awak tak mandi ker? hehe.ker awak nak hug dari kita??
redbloodedwoman: tengs luv.i sangat drama kan? i will at least TRY to be nice to ewyone.heh.people change kan?
anyways tengs again .
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