stress stress
I was feeling a bit stressed out this few days, exams coming up, due date for assignments, and while I TRIED to study, read my notes, I cried.maybe because of tak tahu sepatah haram what the notes trying to say.hehe.
So I sent out smses to some of my good frens, the abang, the baba asking to kunun kunun beri semangat like that to me.
It goes something like this:-
Tolong beri semangat dekat saya untuk study, saya dah lemah semangat tahap kronik dah neh.Sekian.
And some of them replied.
Ayu: Fara study betul-betul. Kt tunjuk kat semua orang walaupun kita cantik tp kita pandai. Ayu pun tengah tak bersemangat ni. Dah la esok n lusa paper yang susah gile
- hehe.i so love this women.nyeh nyeh nyeh.
Zairi: Apsal yang takde semangat ni. Apa sebabnye - Sebab aku tak retilahhh apa yang aku baca tuhh.
Fitri: Ala bucuk2..go fara go..menuju punak gemilang cahaya..af5 - hoih apa inih? aku sepak jugak ko nanti.
Abg: takpe, no worries, baba ada - whats that suppose to mean hah?
Man: Awak, study leklok k..Klau exam kali ini awk dpt okay..Sy bg hadiah k - for sure tak dpt punya that is why awak boleh ckp camtuh ye dak?
And last but not least, the papajee.
fikir2 yg positive seperti lepas ni angah tak perlu belajar lagi kalau dah habis pereksa.boleh relaxs la - baba nih lawak ah.skema sgtt okay ayatnya.
Anyone care to tiup semangat to me lagik ??
So I sent out smses to some of my good frens, the abang, the baba asking to kunun kunun beri semangat like that to me.
It goes something like this:-
Tolong beri semangat dekat saya untuk study, saya dah lemah semangat tahap kronik dah neh.Sekian.
And some of them replied.
Ayu: Fara study betul-betul. Kt tunjuk kat semua orang walaupun kita cantik tp kita pandai. Ayu pun tengah tak bersemangat ni. Dah la esok n lusa paper yang susah gile
- hehe.i so love this women.nyeh nyeh nyeh.
Zairi: Apsal yang takde semangat ni. Apa sebabnye - Sebab aku tak retilahhh apa yang aku baca tuhh.
Fitri: Ala bucuk2..go fara go..menuju punak gemilang cahaya..af5 - hoih apa inih? aku sepak jugak ko nanti.
Abg: takpe, no worries, baba ada - whats that suppose to mean hah?
Man: Awak, study leklok k..Klau exam kali ini awk dpt okay..Sy bg hadiah k - for sure tak dpt punya that is why awak boleh ckp camtuh ye dak?
And last but not least, the papajee.
fikir2 yg positive seperti lepas ni angah tak perlu belajar lagi kalau dah habis pereksa.boleh relaxs la - baba nih lawak ah.skema sgtt okay ayatnya.
Anyone care to tiup semangat to me lagik ??

wey wey,,...ape pasal byk laki je hah...laki kasi semangat lagi best meh?
good luck...
kata2 semangat i....hmm semoga berjaya...
jadi cam more exams!..
go girl!
all the best.. (5 minit pikir, ini je kata2 semangat yg aku buleh fikir?? what the...!!)
Antara kata2 semangat yang boleh diberi..(sila pilih yang mana satu benar2 menaikkan semangat anda):
1. stadi smart, not stadi hard.
2. be the best among the best.
3. usaha tangga kejayaan.
4. berakit-rakit ke hulu berenang-renang ke tepian, bersakit-sakit dahulu...(tolong abiskan)
5. minum milo anda jadik sehat dan kuat.
study la anda sebelum anda distudykan (rotan dah siap lam tangan dah nie)
cuba setkan satu reward for urself. Promise to urself if u get through this one, u will pamper urself for 4d3n in Bali ke hehehe.
Dangle the carrot gitu.
p/s: makcik sgt berharap nasihat diatas tidak terlalu geeky hhaha.
Good Luck. All the best. You can do it. Go girl go!!
*trueblue with pom-poms and doing the split* ouch!
nyeh nyeh nyeh.ingat takdak org perasan.tetengok u perasan ek? hehe. i like do we are same.hehe.
thank u sweetie.
hehe.tengs neway.the thought that counts ye dak?
i want number five lah gitu.i suka menum milo.
gravt kills:
i lagi rela dirotan oleh you.nak di rotan di mana tuh bang?
*gatal mode on menyala nyala
cuti maybe mahai sgt kot ye dak.apa kata retail theraphy ke? okay tak?
tidakkk, nasihat anda tidak worries.hehe.
tengs darling!
do u want me to join you doing the pom pom thingy?
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