cuti cuti pendek gitu.

When you take the lrt and upon arriving at the Dang Wangi station,ur suppose to hear,
Stesen berikutnya, DAng Wangi.
Next Station, DAng wangi.
But it is something wrong there, when you heard,
Stesen berikutnya, Langkawi,
Next station, Langkawi.
Also when you browse through Air Asia webbie site or the advertisement,
and you feel like booking the ticket straight away,
that is when you need a holiday.
Even if its a short one :)
apsal pantai dia mcm kat teluk cempedak ??
:P (saja dengki sebab tak pernah sampai langkawi lagi)
baper tambang lrt gi langkawi ek?
marilah bercuti di rumah saya!
oooo adik comel nih bercuti rupa nyer. patut dah lama tak nampak. hehe... ke langkawi plak tuh? alamak jeles. hehee...
dang wangi and langkawi lebih kurang je
bebola api: no lah.thats not teluk cempedak.thats not even langkawi. what makes u think its langkawi? oh sebab lrt tuh ek? no lah. i ckp langkawi sebab mmg terdengar langkawi.tapi bukan gi langkawi. its somewhere in pantai remis.
tiena: i nak kereta u, tatau pulak harga lrt :p
angel eyes: rumah u ada pantai like that tak? if ada then i wanna go there and use my old bikinis.can ah?
princessren: no lah its not langkawi.cuma biler saya naik itu lrt saya terdengar langkawi, not dang wangi.takper ah tak dpt gi langkawi pun takperlah ek.
asalkan dpt coti co ti mesia gitu.
gravt kills: thats why i heard langkawi when it is suppose to dang wangi.if u naik lrt kan and u dengar langkawi, i think its time for u to take a vacation.
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