rainbow country

How nice.
Both your parents went to Bali for 5 days without the children.
How sweet.
And me being the sweet adorable kakak, have to be the babysitter for the atin.
But fret not, am sure will enjoy this.Heh.
Cuti for 6 days.
Watch loads and loads of pirated dvds.
Listens to bob marley's pirated cds.
Watch take5 like everyday.
Eat junk food 6 days straight.
Go swimming belakang rumah.
Oh how can I forgot this.
Melawati dah ada traffic light.Gila ah.
The first message that baba sent to us was,
'kami dah sampai,denpasar.tunggu imigrasi.mak pergi kamar kecil tanpa biaya.teka apa itu.jumpa lagi'
So cute kannnnnnnnnnnn?
Oh have I told u that I bought lots and lots of baju kotor back home.
So lots of laundry to do.
Anyone wants to join my party bueh?
honeymoon ke berapa tuh?
hi :)
bagus ah ada, kakak like you!
belakang rumah ada swimming pool ke.. sungei? (seriously..wondering) (and now seriously wondering if sungei is the correct spelling.. looks weird).
f&g: the second me think.bg chance kat depa lah kannn?
blossom: halo! no-lah.belakang rumah got this club century paradise where we the whole family became members there.so we can go swimming like suka hati jer lah.heh.
btw, sungai is sungai.hik.
ur dad is cool babe. can i swim at ur belakang rumah too?
aman: tengs dude.sure sure datang u have to pay rm5 on weekdays and rm7 on weekends and public holidays :p
but since ur my guest kan, the first try neh i bg free ah.
damn.why i cant login to my blog.
kamar kecil tanpa biaya.
i wish sume kamar kecil in msia tanpa biaya one..
wish jer ler.. hehe.
hey, have fun babysit and lazying at home! jom mandi kat kemensah jom!
ehh diaorang bwak ole2 x? nk kirim arrr..
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