Waiting to exhale

Oh I just realize that some of my juniors are super hot cute and anak anak ikan oso.
Should I pretend to be like the comel kakak senior and pura pura tunjuk jalan ke library to them?
Or should I pretend like I'm one of them jugak, and pura pura tanya jalan to the library?
Oh I dont think I have the time to think.
Come to momma.
yes, there's another mama here too.
tu buat hapa tu???
Carik kutu????
ps: Bila u nak turun Penang???
how to pancing the anak ikan? pakai umpan apa?
Just pretend to be one of them. I don't think they will realize you tu senior :P
eh..eh..notinya dia :)
ikan kembung or ikan gelama?
ikan gelama ikan cuka
yg mana mau yg mana suka???
come to daddy
Haih dekat sini even lecturers pun tadak rupa lecturer...huhuhu.
I go for berlakon menjadi junior! :P
Haih dekat sini even lecturers pun tadak rupa lecturer...huhuhu.
I go for berlakon menjadi junior! :P
kat cni ayaq masaq pun leh jadi x masaq... hahahah!
f&g: u hot momma, am the ugly gat momma.
13may: tak cari umpan untuk anak ikan.hik.nanti kita turun penang kita gitau yek??
nak banja cendol ke keyteow?
hobo: hey you.hallo.
thats why.i oso donno whether to use umpan apa.u shud use umpan ke?
amy: awww..am not that young lah sweetie.hik.
trueblue: thats ekceli my azam baru.for this yer.
gravtkills: no both are wrong answer.my anak ikan adalah ssgt comel.but i dont know the name.
13may: saya tak mkn lahhhhhhh ikan gelama.saya cuma ngorat deorang jerrr.
concreterose: oh god.how come i tak terpikir pun.then can pretend baca paper together gether in the library kann?
azer mantessa: can i go to your son instead??
ayaq masak: but you are not anak ikan.sorry dear.hik.
sunan jati: aik? camna tau nehh?
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