gorjes gorjes

No-lah.That's not me sitting on the pelamin.u ols nih suka buat saham I jatuh okkay.That's not me.that's my cousin and her husband.and oso the pengirings and the pengapit.we are gorgeous kan?
We, the pengirings get the wear the same baju all of us.heh.so pretty.same manik manik on the baju.same color tudung and same color of the shoes, which is cream.The baju hijau pekat is the pengetua of the kabaret kabaret hijau itu.
Oh oh oh, how can I forget this? we wore the same baju and all of us are still single and available.
I love weddings.
gorjes, yeah very gorges!
apasal single nie? *smiling*
ramai betul org suka green for weddin kan...my bro last year pun green gak
angel eyes:
tenkiu tenkiu.u oso gorjes gorjes jugerr.heh.
gravt kills:
u shud see the wedding.from my nenek to my aunties aunties to my uncles uncles to my cousins, to the pelamin to the hantaran to the bekas telur, to the tissues, to the god knows what, all are green.even the house oso were painted in green.even the water for the makan beradab oso green.
musim org berebut naik pelamin dek non :p sem baru dah start ek ke blom lagi?
heheh patut la lama hilang..
welkam bek.
u looked green. not to worry, it's gorjes green.
telur2nya tukar green colour gak ker???
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ok, kirim slm kat;
i. 2nd chicas, left row.
ii. both 2nd and third bunnies far left on the bottom row
iii. 1st hottie at the top of the right row.
Hello there Sis Che Fara yang gorjes morjes :)
Thank you for droppin by my mommy's blog and for the get well wishes (and HUGS) for me & my mommy. Your kind and sweet thoughts is very much appreciated! :)
Prolly will undergo surgery next week. I'll make sure my mommy blogs all about it, heh (she is always so *LABU to blog...)
Yasmin & Mommy CK
*LABU = LAzy + BUsy
dah start dah sem baru neh.tapi takleh view the results because havent pay yet.boleh?
tak hilang.ada ada.hehe.
me? gorjes?
dah tau lama dah.hihi.
the telur color whatever color u want.
*lari jugak*
oi oit.dekat i tanak kem slm ker?
sampai hatiu.nyeh nyeh nyeh.
thank u for dropping by!and yes u yasmin cute little girl.get well soon.no naughty naughty k?
Fara!!!! That was really lovely :)
Hemmm... datang Kelantan x inform pun.. geramnyerrrr.. :p
Thanks for checking on me, that day. *hugs*
Hi Angah.. Tq 4 dropping by my blog..
Wow, interesting blog u have ere....
i love the hijau!!
ahhhh gree in so in ok.stylo ;)
bodonye kibod
che fara mmg gorjes!
nina: i know.am lovely.thank u thank u.eh u were talking about me ke about the pengantin?heh.
takpe takpe, we are going to be roomate kan nanti?
tak sangka u.
idham: *me bow*
thank u.
hot hottie mama: tengkiu u hottie mama.
kak sabbs: tengkiu tengkiu. u shud the pictures yang lain.semua adalah sgt gorjes gorjes belaka.
insane i am: yup yup.green is so stylo mylo okkay.eleh, yelah ur template green kan? kan? kan?heh.
angel eyes: malu yewwwww!
cantik la gambo dgn pengantin ni..
at least gambo ni lawa lagi la drpd gambo fadzli tgh kipas diri sendiri atas pelamin HAHAHHAHA :P
apa cik bola bola api? gambo saya lawa? apa? apa?
tenchiu tenchiu.
me bow.
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