.so ask yourself.

audition for m'sia idol?
okkay. i rather go to la senza okay.even if only for window shooping and also to annoy the sales girl there.nyeh nyeh.
i wont be blogging for about two weeks because am going to sleep at my fren's house for study okay.this is for real.
well,che'fara you still can blog using the workstation's pc right?
no i cant.and i dont want to.
erkk..why is that?
i want to study.i need to study.gilar kah tak study?
okkkay the truth is you shud ask my college,erm i dono maybe you shud ask the CEO, or you can ask the moderator.or you can even ask the abg jaga workstation tuh.but dont lah go ask the pakcik guard.he knows nothing about this.he only know to shouts at us when we didnt wear our matric card.bluerghh.
thing is, i cant access blogspot.com when i'm at the workstation.yes they banned this blog thingy.suck eh?
well, if you thought that www.theangah.blogspot.com is some sort of porno webbisite, think again!
because am thinking again, okkaylah my entries might had this thing about la senza and my purple thong,kan?
but that is soo sooo not porno sangat okay.
so not.
that is ermm, i dont know, information i guess. or in bahasa, pengetahun am.
kan? ke tak?

see ba, your daughter tengah study okay.
kenapa? tak percaya ka? sila percaya ba.
i think i need a backrub lah.
okay bye guys.
sila miss me.
All the best for your final, failing that lets go to the MI audition! I can sing, okkay!! :p
i can give u back rub only if u prmose to wear la senza only..heheh[saiko tak?]
anywaysssssssssssss..all the best!
baca buku!
good luck in your final okay. tak payah takut. since u dah bukak buku and tgk jer, dah kira okay laa tu... hehe.. u'll pass no worries ;D
ler..tak abis2 lg ke??
nina: thank you.thank you.
i can sing oso but surely pitching ke laut punya! heh.
chics: thank you.
u want me to wear what color? (saiko balik neh)
kalau i pakai surely bg backrub hah?
freak & geek: babe, u teach me business law can anot?letih dah nak membaca.hehe.
mary: thanks babe.bukak buku dah but if tak dpt jawab then how?dah letih dah blaja.lets go run run lah.
pinky winky: belum ah babe. saturday neh abes.naper nak ajak la senza seround ke?
all the best for your exam
jaja: thank you.that's sweet.
meh i backrub u pakai berus sabut.
My very best for your coming exams che'fara..I hope you come out with rainbow colors..:p hehe
business law? aiyak.. tutup mata.. kacang putih.. kacang panjang jer tuh..
hehehehe... study - juz memorize the act... n memorize means paham the whole concept as well...
purple thong? with lace or not?
tiena turner:
berus sabut? tanak ah.u guna ur tangan and jari jemari ah.that way lagik romantik dahlinggg.
tengkiu tengkiu! yes my exams going to be flying color not so many colors.dowan.
tutup mata? aiyak.nak nangis jap jawab hari tuh.eh rasa cam dah nangis dah kot rituh.eh lupa jap.
okay confirm mmg nangis hari tuh.heh.
thank you for the wish.thank you.
okay i dah abis exam dah.and ur number?promise no porno kay?
ntah ar.ada kot.dono.tolong check boleh.heh.
gurl, updet2!
hihi.sudah sudah.sila baca yer!
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