i wasn't born in the zoo, thank you
Let see whut happen on my birthday today.
a) My best fren of 7 years forgot my birthday. Great.
b) My big brother for 22 years forgot my birthday. Great.
c) My little brother dengan selamba jayanya sms-ed me said,
"Angah!! Happy 24th Birthday! May God bless you.and yes you dah tua"
when am much more younger than that. Great.
d) I fell off while washing our dirty cute toilet this morning. Great.
e) I managed to run only 3kms today when the day before I can run 10kms non-stop.and yes I pancit-ed because of what you know? I ate a cup of RM1 sinful ice-cream with kacang tumbuk berterabur and coklat manik manik infront of my little sister's school while waiting for her finish school. Great.
f) Went to the bank to withdraw some money for my retail theraphy activity but frustated only to see the balance RM72.69 or was it RM72.99, when I thought it must be RM200 something until I remembered the 2 pairs of shoes that I bought last week. Great.
g) Went to MC'D to buy MC'Flurry Oreo after my groceries shopping, only to realize that I have RM3.19 while the price is RM4.19.and have to buat muka tak bersalah sambil senyum senyum manja "kejap yer bang,tak sedar abis duit,sorry yer"
and rush out to the atm machine to withdraw the money just to pay for the ice cream. I swear all the MC'D staffs smiled kambing kambing at me okkay. Great.

and yes I dont look like mama juwie thank you
f) and spent the night with the two hot best frens that loves me even when am broke (hope so)
Life is great kan?
Happy Birthday.To Me.
a) My best fren of 7 years forgot my birthday. Great.
b) My big brother for 22 years forgot my birthday. Great.
c) My little brother dengan selamba jayanya sms-ed me said,
"Angah!! Happy 24th Birthday! May God bless you.and yes you dah tua"
when am much more younger than that. Great.
d) I fell off while washing our dirty cute toilet this morning. Great.
e) I managed to run only 3kms today when the day before I can run 10kms non-stop.and yes I pancit-ed because of what you know? I ate a cup of RM1 sinful ice-cream with kacang tumbuk berterabur and coklat manik manik infront of my little sister's school while waiting for her finish school. Great.
f) Went to the bank to withdraw some money for my retail theraphy activity but frustated only to see the balance RM72.69 or was it RM72.99, when I thought it must be RM200 something until I remembered the 2 pairs of shoes that I bought last week. Great.
g) Went to MC'D to buy MC'Flurry Oreo after my groceries shopping, only to realize that I have RM3.19 while the price is RM4.19.and have to buat muka tak bersalah sambil senyum senyum manja "kejap yer bang,tak sedar abis duit,sorry yer"
and rush out to the atm machine to withdraw the money just to pay for the ice cream. I swear all the MC'D staffs smiled kambing kambing at me okkay. Great.

and yes I dont look like mama juwie thank you
f) and spent the night with the two hot best frens that loves me even when am broke (hope so)
Life is great kan?
Happy Birthday.To Me.
i think that Daniel Powter song is playin in the background when u were at Mickey Dees hehehe
woi makan eskrem sensorang!
hope your day was a blast! party like its 1999.
hepi bedey ya!!
oiyyy mane party?
buat lah.
come here my dear... i'll buy you a cake and a coffee!
When r u free?
email me then.
wahh.. happy b'day!!
my bday owex sux like hell
hate bday
happy birthday luv. manade ko nampak mcm mama juwiela. kalau ye komfem aku takkan tergoda punya..hahaha
fret not, life is great![my ass.hehe]
Selamat Hari Tua. Hihi.
aina: thank you for dropping by.do come back for more.
mana ada minat ally iskandar ah.tak minat dia ah.mana ada.dusta belaka.dusta dusta.hehe.
minat dia ka? jgn minat dia.nanti fasha marah.hehe.
gravt kills: where is the moment when we needed the most, you kick up the lights when the magic is lost,they tell me ur blue sky fades to grey, they tell me your passions gone away..hah sambung cepat.
f&g: *muka tak bersalah*mana ada mana ada.apa inih.tuduh tuduh.heh.
i mkn sensorang pun yg eskrim singgit tuh.
takdak party pun.tapi it was a blast lah since byk kejadian kejadian tidak diingini.
tiena: hello sayang? nak byr eskrim mc flurry oreo pun tak mampu,how to buat party.u lah buat suprise party for me.nanti i buat buat terkejut.okay?
angeleyes: u want to banja me? okay then.anyone nak belanja lagik? hihi.why belanja cake oli? belanja ah oso a vintage dress sebarang dua ka.hehe
pinky angel: donch hate me because its my burpday.hehe.
chics: kau takyah ar nak ngorat ngorat aku.cakap jer ah nak banja aku kek.hehe.dan juga kopi mahal.heh.
tank: selamat hari tua gak!!kalau angah tua,anda lagik ah tua.sila sedar yer?heh.
Hey.. happy belated birthday, girl!
Hahah..Wei!Serious abang lupe 18th May tu besday Angah..Kan tengah tingtong ngan Carmen Soo kan la ni?Meh sini kita gi shopping kasut..
*Abemu yg gaji tak masuk2 lagi - dah dekat sebulan wei!!!*.
ya ampun gurl, hepi belated besday then
next time, we eat eskrem mekdi togeder2 yek, i lurf mcslurpee *usap2 tummy* =))
eh ampun, mcflurry. slurpee born in the 7E. harap maklum, wakakakaka =))
ayu ikhwani: tengs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
en fadzli: kasut? biler? di mana? bgmana? kasut apa? marilah cepat.hehe.brand apa? vincci tanak ah.
cikgu aerobik:
*usap usap tummy jugak tak sabar nak tunggu cikgu belanja mc slurpee dan mc flurry.thank you in advance cikgu*
Happy Belated Birthday my dear! Siannyer but thts why we have good friends. They nvr forget yr bday even tho your family might have :)
cosmic gurl: tengkiu tengkiu!!i ruff yew!
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