Wednesday, November 28, 2007


i think i miss my boyfren.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

sleepy kura kura

this is a shoutout to our banker, the big boss, BABA.

because of his generosity,
we are going to watch our first ever teater today.



abang, angah, alan, atin and your future daughter-in-law.

Friday, November 23, 2007

to pick up a bottle of wine

i started to like my lecturer.


i quote what he said.

i would rather hire a 2.1 of cgpa or 2.0 student rather than hiring a 3.5 student if that 3.5 student dont even know how to learn.

all the lecturers in the world apa yang deorang nak from their students after all the 4, 5, 6, 13 years of learning in college is to LEARN HOW TO LEARN.

thats what he said.he kept on saying that.learn how to learn.
learn whatevery shit how to learn.ok i made that up.

all i can say is,

eat your heart out 3.5 students.haha.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

afif ikhwan

today i thought is not going to be a good day.

suprisingly, today is a good day :)

i crave for big apple
and nasi ayam.

and i probably will get that later.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

skinny jeans

i was reading the malay mail on red traffic light, since i know THAT traffic light is known to be the longest time ever on red light.

and suddenly, someone honked me, and being me terkejut sangat, termelatah and ended up i throw the paper at backseat and ready to masuk gear 1.

and am like, apsal merah lagik?
sapa honked neh?

i looked at the back thru mirror, no one is behind me.

and i looked at my left side, 3 guys in that red kancil was laughing at me.

they know i was concentrating on reading the paper, so they honked me pretending that they are behind me, and lampu sudah hijau.

taik sungguh.


Friday, November 09, 2007

mata panda

because got some problem with the petrol that cant be pump, am at the office rite try to solve try je okay.

and i was here since 5.30am.and i only suppose to start work at 3pm later.

and its not helping at all,

i mean it at all that it is now raining.urghh.

and its not helping that the exams is coming in 1 month time.okay lets not talk about it.

and its not helping that i've watched 30 days of nite yesterday walapun cerita itu macam agak lawak.tapi terkejut terkejut.

ok now i know what can help me.

big breakfast at mc'd later.


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

warm coffee on rainy days

ok someone punctured my tyre yesterday.the perasaan is like so 'best'.hah.

and i asked one of my guy fren to fix that thing where i wanted to pusing pusing that thing.ala yang besi tuhh.

then what he said, takyoh lahhhhhhhhh.besi tuh tajam bawah tuh.nanti kena kaki.

tee hee hee.

terasa diri ini masih ada orang yang sayang.


Sunday, November 04, 2007

lipstick stain

me and kak mek, both of us have this habit of before we sleep we read our books.

i did in a way influence kak mek to read.

and i bought this new book, not so new lah, devils wears prada and never fail before sleep must read at least 3 pages.
and kak mek read my memoirs of a geisha.

yeah we no life people are cool.

fuk yeah.

oh i forgot to tell you that the big brother got engaged with kak mek last raya,on fourth raya to be exact.
wanna see the pictures?

korang tak beli ke paper tamil nessan?

penuh gambaq depa saja.

mak jeles tau.