skinny jeans
i was reading the malay mail on red traffic light, since i know THAT traffic light is known to be the longest time ever on red light.
and suddenly, someone honked me, and being me terkejut sangat, termelatah and ended up i throw the paper at backseat and ready to masuk gear 1.
and am like, apsal merah lagik?
sapa honked neh?
i looked at the back thru mirror, no one is behind me.
and i looked at my left side, 3 guys in that red kancil was laughing at me.
they know i was concentrating on reading the paper, so they honked me pretending that they are behind me, and lampu sudah hijau.
taik sungguh.

and suddenly, someone honked me, and being me terkejut sangat, termelatah and ended up i throw the paper at backseat and ready to masuk gear 1.
and am like, apsal merah lagik?
sapa honked neh?
i looked at the back thru mirror, no one is behind me.
and i looked at my left side, 3 guys in that red kancil was laughing at me.
they know i was concentrating on reading the paper, so they honked me pretending that they are behind me, and lampu sudah hijau.
taik sungguh.
ahahhaa... seb baik u tak terus jalan je ok... sabo je lah.. :D
mereka tidak meminta hp num sekali ke?
hi awek!
Kena ngurat la tu..ehehhe
lenny: tu ler makcik.sib baik tak jalan kan?
gravtkills: kalau minta pun saya tak mau bagi.sekian.
pijah: hi awek!! pewitt.
amy: :p
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