old newspaper
went back to melawati yesterday and mum told me that the brother planning to get engaged this coming hari raya.
am like,
and suddenly started to cry.
me emo like that.
why so fast?
dah kawan lama kan.
ohh okay.
so kalau ada jodoh insya allah tahun depan angah jadi auntie lahhhhh.
then it hit me.
i mean, after this its not gonna be the same again.
dont get me wrong.
i love kak maria.she's so baik.and nice.and chomel.
meaning, its not gonna be the same again is you know, him gonna have his own responsibilities.its hard for us to go makan sampai berpeluh lagi.
i cried even harder later.

the cat hates you lah sengall.
am like,
and suddenly started to cry.
me emo like that.
why so fast?
dah kawan lama kan.
ohh okay.
so kalau ada jodoh insya allah tahun depan angah jadi auntie lahhhhh.
then it hit me.
i mean, after this its not gonna be the same again.
dont get me wrong.
i love kak maria.she's so baik.and nice.and chomel.
meaning, its not gonna be the same again is you know, him gonna have his own responsibilities.its hard for us to go makan sampai berpeluh lagi.
i cried even harder later.
the cat hates you lah sengall.
kesat ler air mata tu pakai sokkabarlama :p
hahaha i went through the same thing last year bila my brother kawin.
siap nangis bila ada lagu yg kitorang
suka dulu keluar in the radio.
so emo like that.
but you'll get used to it.
and you'll adjust.
kenapa my sister tak cry aa masa i ckp i plan nak kawin next year? hmmm....
oklah tu..that good news what..awak bleh jemput saya sekali.. =)
klau susah2 sgt kita tunang sekali nak? hehehe..
cikp: dah jual dah lah pulak sokabar lama, how?
dzu: really? u emo, me emo.we emo emo.emo nieh best kan.
no i mean, mcm cepat sangat we are growing up and change into diff phase.
yeah i know am going to live with it.tengs love.
redmerah: hehe.ur sister nangis dalam hati okay?
cuppycakeslelaki: bolehhhhhhhhhhhh.apa tak bolehnyer.
nak tunang sekali? ask mak.
Alalalalalala,dun emo emo la..Abang dah rasa lain plak ni..Nanti apartment dah siap u can always come over and watch DVD sampai muntah.
Makan sampai peluh?Anytime osso can..No prob,but [cliche coming] im always busy tapi boleh slot time for the siblings to makan2.
And oh yeah,that cat is actually 'Abang Chot'.Too bad tuan dia dah pindah, leaving me with MyVi only.
hahahaha love the caption
senyum kat angah :)
Alah Che Fara, ada kakak ipar best. Bleh suruh dia masak sedap2, pastu bleh la makan sampai berpeluh2 lagi. And tahu apa yg paling best? Bila my Abang's first child dah bleh bercakap and call me 'Angah' ..worth everything le bebeh!
this is all soooo touching..
sob sob.
weh. mana aci.
alan nak kawin gak.
nie dah memotong queue nieh. ceh.
bukan patut alan dulu ker?
Huhuhu I know the feeling huhuhuhu.
ber-bespren with yr sis in law la lepas nie
fadzli: dah tak emo dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
lets pelita!
chics: really.the cate hates him kan?
13may: cheers!
amy: u got that rite.mmg nak suh call angah pun.tanak call auntie fara whatsoever.tengs makcik amy.cheers!mwahs.
blossom you morning glory: dont cry.everything is gonna be alrite bebeh.
alan: yeah ur turn kan patutnya? haih.
ayaq masak: :)
gravtkills: now oso dah bespren.
Angah,takleh pelita2 dah..Abang dah masuk *ehem ehem* gym tau.Syok wooo.
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