Sunday, December 30, 2007

when someone told u not to write certain certain words or certain stories in you OWN blog, that is simply annoying.

because a blog is your own place where you write stuff that you hate most, stuff that makes u mad, in other way blog is a place where u express yourelf.

i just hate people told me what to do or what not to do.enough is enough.
i am a big girl myself and i know what is best for me although there are times when i cant think properly, but let me make my own mistakes.

so goodbye for now.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

poetry and songs

bile semua org nak ada resolutions so do me jugakllah.

i think my resolutions for next year is to learn as much as possible.yup that is.

shut up lah yew if u think mine are like some sort of stupid resolution.

dont feel like blogging.feel like going home and sleep and snooze the fucking alarm button.

got headache tapi ignore.not ignore, i took panadol but the headache seems like wants to stay there.sigh.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

long december

i just want to go home and hug blackie.

and hug my sister.

and makan sup kentang mak.

and sleep on my own bed.

that is what i want for today.

dear god, please listen to my prayers.

thank you.

waiting to exhale

i cant wait for 2008.

cant wait for me to become 30.
yup next year am going to be thirty.
percaya takk?

i talked to baba just now and i cried while talking to dad, even when i type this.

how to say this?
am having my major breakdown right life is a mess.
i hate my job.i hate people who does not respect our job.
i hate that arabic guy who shouted at me.
i hate faiz gigi rongak.
i hate how i cant sleep at nights.

i try to believe am having a good time.i try to believe that my life is awesome and fuck it is not true.i hate myself when i try to make myself believe everything is going fine heck no.nothing is going fine.nothing is going great.

met up with frens.lepaked with them until wee hours but later going home i felt so how to say this not complete?
i cant feel myself no more.

met up frens and we had a great laugh but deep down inside i know that am not having headache but tried not to think about it.

fuck.i hate this feeling.i so hate this feeling.

mak, angah nak mak.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

God says nothing back

cant help it but to post another entry for today.suddenly banyak pulak idea.

now i know how to de-stress myself.
iaitu by deleting task to people under me.

okay i know that before, but being me rasa segan lah nak suruh suruh orang buat kerja.and i've talked to lots of people on how to overcome this.and i got the ideas dah.

now dah tak stress sangat berkerja and dah tak nangis dah bila stress.because i know the way dah,hik.

*pat on the back by herself

if only i did this long before, sure tak berkedut ah muka sebab stress.

a packet of cat food for that stray old cat

yesterday some old arabic man shouted at me over some stupid thing.the petrol at our station cant be pump yesterday.

that's show how u brought up your family sir.and how ur parents brought you up.

or maybe your balls are kedut and kerepot plus smelly i think.

just fuck off.fuck off.fuck off.

Friday, December 21, 2007

you need blue skies holiday

semalam ada makan makan kat rumah aqilah my favorite 8 yer old cousin.i cudnt make it bikos of working.but that's fine.

and mom told me this sunday they're having a birthday party to celebrate her birthday.aqilah invited me.
later at night she called me.

hello can i cakap to angah?

its me.


can you come to house this having a birthday party.

up to you if you wanna bring me present anot.

yes i rindu you.

sebab you tanya i lah then i cakap i rindu you lah.

bye love you too.

definetely that make my day :)

Friday, December 14, 2007

kupu kupu malam

I hate stock take.

and am going to hate stock take forever.

Monday, December 10, 2007

the word is indah

I hate my ex boifren as much as I hate roundabouts.


That is my statement for december.

have a bestest december yew.