i am beautiful, no matter what they say :)
well, being the normal girl i am, like every girl does(i suppose), i love looking, observing,tenung-ing, ushar-ing at all those beauty things.beuaty things here include women, girls, pregnant ladies, 43 yer old lady but look like 30ish,babies, pretty handbags, killer shoes, nice clothes etc etc etc.
i really love looking at pretty ladies. i dont know. but to be honest i loves looking at women rather than looking at guys, be it gay or straight :p
me and my shopping gfren, have this one hobby while shopping(actually more into window shopping), we tend to look at pretty girls, we love doing that.some of my gfrens said that it is not normal for us, girls, checking out other girls.is that true?
i mean,are we suppose to be jealous with other pretty girls?are we?
me and ami, my shopping buddy, agreed that when we look at other girls we tend to puji what she's wearing, puji her hair, and it does really makes us not feeling jealous at all.it does for us.i dont know about other people out there.
ami, we hafta hafta hafta go shopping (window) lagi tau.sungguh perlu sgt.
and yes, am no turning lesbian thank you very much.
am straight one.
only angelina jolie can make me think twice :)
sigh..okaylah okaylah what am trying to say actually is,
i am beautiful matter what,seriously no matter what,

even when am with my bedak sejuk on :)
excuse the hair, am going to bed already :)
i really love looking at pretty ladies. i dont know. but to be honest i loves looking at women rather than looking at guys, be it gay or straight :p
me and my shopping gfren, have this one hobby while shopping(actually more into window shopping), we tend to look at pretty girls, we love doing that.some of my gfrens said that it is not normal for us, girls, checking out other girls.is that true?
i mean,are we suppose to be jealous with other pretty girls?are we?
me and ami, my shopping buddy, agreed that when we look at other girls we tend to puji what she's wearing, puji her hair, and it does really makes us not feeling jealous at all.it does for us.i dont know about other people out there.
ami, we hafta hafta hafta go shopping (window) lagi tau.sungguh perlu sgt.
and yes, am no turning lesbian thank you very much.
am straight one.
only angelina jolie can make me think twice :)
sigh..okaylah okaylah what am trying to say actually is,
i am beautiful matter what,seriously no matter what,

even when am with my bedak sejuk on :)
excuse the hair, am going to bed already :)