Friday, January 27, 2006

Best of Malaysia

Nick 23, Account Manager

Travelling, that's my hobby and for one who has visited a generous amount of countries I still stand very firm on the fact that Malaysia has some of the most gorgeous, elegant, and interesting women! Man I'm telling you, you will never and I do mean never, find this many beuatiful and down-to-earth women any where else. My foreign friends totally agree with me on this as well.

Courtesy of Malaysian Today, August 30-Sept 1, 2005.

How's that?
You're beautiful, it's true

Friday, January 20, 2006


hehe. i havent update my blog since december. aiyoh.

nak kata busy, not that busy pun because i can still read others blog.hehhe.

but now am quite busy.hehe.

so later yeah?

oh to kak yan and kak bee,
hari tuh angah nampak anuar zain.pakai baju hijau pucuk pisang lagi.hehe.
shopping kat zara klcc.
comel.tapi malu nak tegur.auwww...